Dental Health Guide


Dental Health Guide in Las Vegas, NV

Our team at Silver Stream Dental is ready to answer all of your questions about your dental health and appearance. Brushing and flossing are critical components of oral hygiene. We can also answer your inquiries regarding dental specialty and clarify dental terminology.

Oral Hygiene

Why is Oral Hygiene so Important?

Gum diseases (periodontal disease) cause more tooth loss in those over 35 than caries. At some point in their lives, three out of every four adults will be affected. The greatest strategy to avoid cavities and periodontal disease is to brush and floss your teeth on a daily basis.

Bacterial plaque causes periodontal disease and tooth decay. Plaque is a white coating that adheres to the gumline of your teeth. On your teeth, plaque is continually forming. You may remove these germs and help prevent periodontal disease by brushing and flossing your teeth thoroughly every day.

How to Brush 

A soft to medium tooth brush is recommended by our dentists and Silver Stream Dental. Where your gums and teeth meet, place the brush at a 45-degree angle. Brush the exterior surfaces of your teeth gently in a circular motion many times with little, soft strokes. When inserting the bristles between your teeth, use light pressure, but not so much that you feel uncomfortable.

When you've finished cleaning the outside surfaces of all your teeth, move on to the inside surfaces of the rear teeth and repeat the process.

Hold the brush vertically to clean the inside surfaces of the upper and lower front teeth. Brush each tooth with many gentle back-and-forth strokes. Remember to brush the gum tissue around your teeth lightly.

Then, using short, delicate strokes, clean the biting surfaces of your teeth. To reach and clean all surfaces, change the position of the brush as needed. Make sure you clean every surface by watching yourself in the mirror. Rinse thoroughly after brushing to eliminate any plaque that may have become loose while brushing.

How to Floss

Periodontal disease is most commonly found between the teeth, where your toothbrush cannot reach. Plaque can be removed from those surfaces quite effectively by flossing. It is, nonetheless, critical to master the right method. The guidelines below will assist you, but keep in mind that it will take time and practice.

Begin with an 18-inch length of floss (waxed is simpler). Wrap the majority of the floss around one hand's middle finger. Wrap the remaining floss around the other hand's middle finger.

Hold the floss securely between the thumb and fingers of each hand to clean the top teeth. Using a back-and-forth motion, gently place the floss between the teeth. Do not try to snap the floss into place or force it. Bring the floss up to the gumline and make a C-shape against one tooth. Slide it between the gum and the teeth until you feel a slight resistance. Move the floss up and down on one tooth's side. Remember that each space requires cleaning of two tooth surfaces. Continue flossing on both sides of all upper teeth. Avoid cutting the gum tissue between the teeth. Turn from one finger to the other when the floss becomes soiled to get a fresh portion.

Use the forefingers of both hands to guide the floss between the bottom teeth. On both sides, upper and lower, don't ignore the rear side of the last tooth.

Rinse thoroughly with water thereafter to eliminate plaque and food particles. If your gums bleed or are irritated during the first week of flossing, don't be frightened. If flossing hurts your gums, you may be flossing too forcefully or squeezing the gums. Gums will mend and bleeding should stop if you floss frequently and remove plaque.

Choosing Oral Hygiene Products

There are so many items on the market that it can be tough to choose between them. Here are some recommendations for dental care items that will work for the majority of patients.

The majority of patients find automatic and high-tech electronic toothbrushes to be safe and effective. Oral irrigators (water spraying devices) will thoroughly rinse your mouth but not eradicate plaque. Brushing and flossing are required in addition to the irrigator. Rotadent and Interplak electric toothbrushes produce outstanding results.

A rubber tip on the handle of some toothbrushes is used to massage the gums after brushing. Interproximal toothbrushes are little brushes that clean between your teeth. You could hurt your gums if you use these incorrectly, so talk to your doctor about how to use them properly.

Fluoride toothpastes and mouth rinses can prevent tooth decay by up to 40% when used in conjunction with brushing and flossing. Remember that these rinses are not suitable for children under the age of six. Tartar control toothpastes remove tartar above the gum line, but gum disease begins below the gum line, hence these products have not been demonstrated to reduce gum disease in its early stages.

Anti-plaque rinses, which have been certified by the American Dental Association, contain ingredients that may help manage early gum disease. Brush and floss your teeth after using them.

Professional Cleaning

Dental calculus can be avoided by brushing and flossing daily, but a professional cleaning will remove calculus that your toothbrush and floss have missed. Your visit to our clinic is an essential element of your gum disease prevention plan. Keep your teeth for the rest of your life.


Pediatric Dentistry

Your child’s first dental visit.

Your child's first "regular" dental visit should occur shortly after his or her second birthday. The first visit to the dentist is usually brief and includes little treatment. During the examination, we may ask you to sit on the dentist chair and hold your child. You may also be requested to wait in the reception area for a portion of the visit so that your child and your dentist can form a bond.

Our dentists will inspect your child's teeth and gums with care. X-rays may be taken (to detect decay and monitor the development of your child's permanent teeth beneath the gums). Your child's teeth may be cleaned and topical fluoride applied to help prevent decay. We will ensure that your youngster gets enough fluoride at home. Most importantly, we will go over how to clean and care for your child's teeth with you.

What should I tell my child about the first dental visit?

This is a frequently asked question. We recommend that you prepare your child in the same way as you would for a first haircut or a trip to the shoe store. You might be surprised by your child's reaction to his first dental visit.

During your first visit the dentist will:

  • Examine your teeth, gums, and mouth.
  • Examine bad behaviors such as thumb sucking.
  • Determine whether you require fluoride.
  • Teach you how to brush your teeth and floss your gums.
  • Establish a regular dental visit routine.

What about preventative care?

Children and tooth decay no longer have to go hand in hand. All areas of preventive care are important to us at our practice. To safeguard your child's teeth, we employ the most advanced dental sealant technology. Dental sealants are space-age polymers attached to the chewing surfaces of back teeth that are prone to deterioration. This is just one of the ways we'll lay the groundwork for a lifetime of good dental health for your child.

Cavity prevention

Cavities are usually caused by a diet high in sugary foods and a lack of brushing. Sugar consumption should be limited, and brushing should be done routinely. The longer it takes your child to chew his or her food and the longer the residue remains on his or her teeth, the more likely they are to develop cavities.

When someone eats, their mouth produces an acid response as the bacteria digest the sugars. This reaction takes about 20 minutes to complete. The corrosive environment can erode the tooth structure at this time, leading to cavities.

Saliva consistency plays a role as well; thinner saliva breaks apart and washes away food more quickly. When a person consumes a high-carbohydrate, high-sugar diet, their saliva thickens, allowing more acid-producing bacteria to thrive, which can lead to cavities.

The two bottom front teeth are the first teeth to appear in the mouth. When your infant is about 6-8 months old, you will notice this. The four upper front teeth will erupt next, and the rest of your baby's teeth will appear in stages. Until the youngster is about 2 1/2 years old, they will normally appear in pairs along the sides of the jaw.

Your youngster should have all 20 teeth by the age of 2 1/2. The first permanent teeth will erupt between the ages of 5 and 6. Some permanent teeth replace baby teeth, while others do not. Don't be concerned if some teeth come in a few months early or late; every child is different.

Baby teeth are vital because they help with chewing, biting, speaking, and appearance as well as holding room for permanent teeth. As a result, maintaining a healthy diet and regular cleanliness is critical.


Periodontal Maintenance

Periodontal diseases are gum infections that erode the support for your natural teeth over time. There are a variety of diseases that require different treatments. In genetically vulnerable people, dental plaque is the leading cause of gum disease. Most periodontal diseases can be avoided with daily brushing and flossing.

Why is oral hygiene so important?

Gum diseases (periodontal disease) cause more tooth loss in those over 35 than caries. At some point in their lives, three out of every four adults will be affected. The greatest strategy to avoid cavities and periodontal disease is to brush and floss your teeth on a daily basis.

Bacterial plaque causes periodontal disease and tooth decay. Plaque is a whitish coating that forms on the gum line of your teeth. On your teeth, plaque is continually forming. You may remove these germs and help prevent periodontal disease by brushing and flossing your teeth thoroughly every day.

A variety of factors might hasten the progression of periodontal disorders. It is, however, primarily caused by bacteria present in dental plaque, a sticky, white film that accumulates on your teeth on a regular basis. Plaque hardens into a tough, porous substance called as calculus if not removed thoroughly with daily brushing and flossing (or tartar).

Periodontal Disease

Plaque bacteria create toxins or poisons that irritate the gums, causing them to redden, swell, and bleed readily. If the inflammation continues, the gums will separate from the teeth, resulting in pockets (spaces). The supporting gum tissue and bone that maintains teeth in place erode as periodontal disorders advance. If left untreated, tooth loss will result.

Preventing Gum Disease

Effective daily brushing and flossing, as well as frequent professional inspections and cleanings, are the greatest ways to avoid gum disease. Even with the most attentive at-home dental care, people might develop periodontal disease. Professional help is required once this disease has begun to advance.


Dental Specialties

What is an oral and maxillofacial surgeon (OMS)?

Dentists that specialize in surgery of the mouth, face, and jaws are known as oral and maxillofacial surgeons. Surgeons receive four to seven years of hospital-based surgical and medical training after four years of dentistry school, preparing them to perform a wide range of treatments involving both the bones and soft tissues of the face, mouth, and neck.

What is a Periodontist?

Periodontists are dentists who specialize in periodontal (gum) disease diagnosis and treatment. They have had significant training, including two years of post-dental school study. They commit their time, attention, and expertise to assisting patients with gum care. The American Dental Association recognizes eight dental specialty, including periodontists.

Why is your dentist referring you to a Periodontist?

Your gums have been identified as requiring special treatment by your dentist. The periodontist and dentist collaborate to offer you with the best possible treatment. They'll pool their knowledge to prescribe the most effective treatment for you while keeping each other updated on your progress. Your dentist is demonstrating a significant commitment to your dental health by referring you to the specialist.

What is an Endodontist?

Endodontists evaluate, diagnose, and treat diseases and destructive processes of the dental pulp and periapical tissues of the teeth, as well as traumas and anomalies.

To determine pulp vitality and periapical tissue status, endodontists examine patients and analyze radiographs and pulp tests. They assess their findings and recommend a treatment plan to prevent tooth loss.

What is a Prosthodontist?

The prosthodontist analyzes and diagnoses problems resulting from tooth loss and supporting structures. They design and implement treatment regimens for the fabrication of corrective prostheses to restore proper mouth, face, and jaw function and appearance.

What is a Pediatric Dentist?

Beyond dental school, a pediatric dentist must complete at least two additional years of training. The additional training focuses on child behavior, physical growth and development, and the unique demands of children's dentistry. Although any type of dentist is capable of taking care of your child's oral health needs, a pediatric dentist, his or her staff, and even the office decor are all designed with children in mind. A pediatric dentist should be considered if your child has unique needs.

What is an Orthodontist?

An orthodontist prevents and treats disorders with the mouth, teeth, and jaw. An orthodontist helps straighten a person's teeth and align the jaws by using braces, retainers, and other devices.

Orthodontists treat a variety of issues in children, including crowded or overlapping teeth, as well as issues with jaw growth and tooth development. Tooth rot, early dental loss, accidents, or habits like thumb sucking can all lead to tooth and jaw difficulties. These issues can also be inherited or genetic.

So why would you go to the orthodontist?

Because they see an issue with your teeth or jaws, your dentist or one of your parents may recommend it. A child who is unhappy with the appearance of his or her teeth may seek treatment from an orthodontist.


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