Wisdom Teeth Specialist in Las Vegas, NV

The average adult has 32 teeth by the age of 18, with 16 teeth on top and 16 teeth on the bottom. Each tooth has its own name and function in the mouth. The incisors, canines, and bicuspid teeth in the front of the mouth are good for grabbing and chewing food into smaller pieces. Food is ground up into a consistency that can be swallowed using the rear teeth (molar teeth). The average mouth is only designed to hold 28 teeth. When 32 teeth try to fit into a mouth with only 28 teeth, it can be painful. Your third molars, popularly known as "wisdom teeth," are the four remaining teeth.

Why Should I Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

The wisdom teeth are the last to emerge from the mouth. Wisdom teeth do not need to be removed if they are perfectly aligned and the gum tissue is healthy. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. When wisdom teeth are unable to erupt properly within the mouth, they must be extracted. They can grow sideways, partially emerge from the gum, or stay stuck beneath the gum and bone. As they search for a path that would allow them to erupt properly, impacted teeth can occupy a variety of positions in the bone. Poorly positioned impacted teeth can create a variety of issues. The opening around the teeth when they are partially erupted allows bacteria to proliferate and eventually cause an infection. Swelling, stiffness, pain, and disease are the end results. The pressure from erupting wisdom teeth can cause other teeth to shift and impair orthodontic or natural tooth alignment. The most serious condition arises when tumors or cysts form around impacted wisdom teeth, causing the jawbone and good teeth to be destroyed. These issues are usually resolved by removing the affected teeth. Early removal is indicated to avert future complications and to reduce the surgical risk.

Oral Examination

Dr. Ben Abrahams at Smile Mas Dental can analyze the position of the wisdom teeth and forecast if there are any current or potential concerns with an oral examination and x-rays of the mouth. Early evaluation and treatment, according to studies, leads to a better patient outcome. Patients are usually first evaluated by their dentist, orthodontist, or oral and maxillofacial surgeon in their mid-teenage years. To improve patient comfort, all outpatient surgeries are conducted under suitable anesthetic. Dr. Ben Abrahams at Smile Mas Dental in Las Vegas, NV has the expertise, licensing, and experience to provide a variety of anesthetic options for patients to choose from.


The extraction of wisdom teeth is usually done under local anesthetic or general anesthesia. Before the treatment, these alternatives, as well as the surgical risks (sensory nerve injury, sinus problems), will be reviewed with you. The gum is sutured after the teeth are removed. Bite down on the gauze in your mouth to help reduce bleeding. You will rest at the office under our care until you are ready to be brought home. Your postoperative kit will contain postoperative instructions, a prescription for pain medication, antibiotics, and a one-week follow-up appointment for suture removal after you are discharged. Please contact us at (702) 851-6724 if you have any questions. Our services are given in a safe setting with sophisticated monitoring technology and anesthetic professionals on staff.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

What are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are frequently referred to as third molars. They are the last teeth to emerge and are placed behind your second molars in the back of your mouth. Their growth is normally completed between the middle adolescent years and the early twenties, a period often associated with the onset of maturity and wisdom.

What Is An Impacted Tooth?

Despite the fact that most people have 32 permanent adult teeth, their jaws are often too small to accommodate the four wisdom teeth. Impacted teeth are those that are unable to erupt due to a lack of space. This means that they are unable to erupt into the right chewing and cleaning position.

Types Of Impactions

We'll need to meet with you for a consultation to assess if wisdom teeth extraction is right for you. A panoramic x-ray of your mouth and jaws will be taken to see if your wisdom teeth are impacted if there is enough room for them to erupt, and how difficult it will be to remove them.

  • Soft Tissue Impaction: There isn't enough area for the gum tissue to retract enough to clean the tooth properly.
  • Partial Bony Impaction:The wisdom teeth might partially emerge since there is enough room. However, the tooth cannot function correctly throughout the chewing process, causing difficulties such as cleaning.
  • Complete Bony Impaction: The tooth cannot emerge because there is no room. It is either lodged in the jaw bone or requires difficult surgical treatments to remove if even partially exposed. The impacted wisdom tooth may also be in an awkward location that makes removal difficult. This condition can also occur when the jaw bone's shape or size, as well as other face characteristics, make tooth removal more difficult.

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Oral Examination

Dr. Ben Abrahams at Smile Mas Dental can analyze the position of the wisdom teeth and predict if there are any current or future possible concerns with an oral examination and x-rays of the mouth. Early evaluation and treatment, according to studies, leads to a better patient outcome. Patients are usually first evaluated by their dentist, orthodontist, or oral and maxillofacial surgeon in their mid-teenage years.

To improve patient comfort, all outpatient surgeries are conducted under suitable anesthetic. Our doctors are skilled, licensed, and experienced in administering various types of anesthetic.

Why Should I Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

A multitude of issues might arise if your third molars do not have enough area to properly develop in your mouth. Wisdom teeth that have been impacted should be extracted before the root structure has fully grown. Some patients are diagnosed as young as 12 or 13, while others may not be diagnosed until their early thirties. After the age of 30, problems seem to become more frequent. The following are some of the potential consequences of not having your wisdom teeth removed:


Pericoronitis is the most common clinical condition we see (a localized gum infection). The gum tissue around the wisdom tooth can get irritated and infected if there isn't enough room for it to fully emerge, resulting in recurrent pain, swelling, and chewing and swallowing difficulties.

Cyst Formation:

In addition to viral disorders, an impacted wisdom teeth can cause non-infectious ailments. Cysts are fluid-filled "balloons" that form inside the jaw bone as a result of impacted teeth and gradually enlarge, killing neighbouring jaw bone and teeth. If your wisdom teeth are not removed throughout your teenage years, they can be extremely difficult to treat. Tumors have been linked to wisdom tooth removal delays, albeit this is uncommon.

Possible Crowding:

Wisdom teeth that have become impacted may cause tooth crowding. This is particularly evident on the front teeth, especially the lower front teeth, and is most frequent when a patient has had braces. Teeth crowding after braces or in early adulthood is caused by a variety of circumstances. Wisdom teeth that have been retained and impacted may be a significant factor. The primary purpose for removal is to prevent long-term harm to your teeth, gums, and jaw bone, unless you have an active problem when you visit the dentist.

Damage to Adjacent Teeth:

If there isn't enough area to clean around the wisdom tooth, the tooth in front of it, the second molar, can suffer from gum disease, bone loss surrounding the tooth, and/or decay.


Overview of Implant Placement

The Dental Implant Surgical Procedure

Dental implants are placed in 30 to 60 minutes for single implants and 2 to 3 hours for numerous implants. The number of appointments and the amount of time necessary vary by patient. The surgeon will pay close attention to the smallest nuances of your situation.

Antibiotics and intravenous sedation may be administered prior to surgery for your comfort. These alternatives will be discussed with you during your consultation. The area where the dental implant will be placed will be numbed with a local anesthetic.

The surgeon makes a small incision in the gum tissue to show the bone, creates space with special devices, and gently implants the titanium implant after you are comfortable. This implant's top is frequently visible through the gum. It is sometimes preferable to have the implant covered by the gum tissue during the early phases of recovery.

Healing after Dental Implant Surgery

The healing process now begins. Depending on the quality and quantity of bone, the length of time varies from person to person. Implants can sometimes be repaired right after they are inserted. Follow-up treatment and scheduling will be discussed with the surgeon. During a brief follow-up appointment after the initial healing phase, the surgeon attaches an abutment (support post) or a healing cap to the dental implant. This permits the gum tissue to grow and the implant can be accessed.

Sometimes impressions are taken as the implant is being put. When the implants have healed, the crown can be prepared. A number of factors influence how long your mouth takes to recover. Follow-up sessions (one to four) are normally required to confirm that your mouth is healing properly and to determine whether you are ready to move on to the restorative part of your treatment.

A soft tissue graft may be necessary to obtain thicker, more easily cleaned, and natural-looking gum tissue in the area surrounding the implant. A small amount of gum tissue is moved from one portion of your mouth to the area around the implant during this procedure. Most of the time, it's a quick and painless treatment.

Your dentist will complete the restoration by attaching the replacement tooth (crown) to the dental implant, whether it is one tooth or all of your teeth.

When are dental implants placed?

Implants are frequently put months after the extraction. An implant may be placed shortly after a tooth extraction in some cases. This has a higher risk, but it streamlines the process by eliminating the need for a second session to install the implant. When there is an infection or other bone issues, immediate implant implantation is not the best option.

When a tooth is absent for an extended period of time, the adjacent support bone thins and shrinks. This happens because the natural tooth's root must be present to stimulate the bone. In the year following tooth extraction, up to a third of the thickness of your jaw can be lost. You may benefit from having more bone grafted into the area if you are missing enough bone. When the implant is implanted in the jaw, it will be adequately supported.

How many implants do I need?

Typically, one implant is put for each lost tooth. The most typical option is to replace missing back teeth with bigger implants because many of the larger teeth in the back of your jaws have two or three roots.

What If I Don’t Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed As A Teenager Or Young Adult?

The roots of wisdom teeth grow longer and the jaw bone becomes more dense as they develop. When impacted wisdom teeth must be removed in your thirties, forties, or beyond, the recovery time is longer and the risk of complications is increased. It is sometimes more difficult and unpredictable to treat these issues in an older patient. Healing may take longer, and the risk of infection may be higher. If your impacted wisdom teeth are not removed when you are in your teens or early twenties and are entirely impacted in bone, it may be best to wait until a localized problem (such as cyst formation or localized gum disease and bone loss) occurs. In general, if you are treated in your teens or early twenties, you will heal faster, more consistently, and with fewer complications.

What Happens On The Day Wisdom Teeth Are Removed?

When wisdom teeth are removed, most people prefer to be sedated in order to be completely oblivious of the procedure. During your consultation, you will be given appropriate anesthetic alternatives. To ensure your comfort, all outpatient surgeries are performed under adequate anesthetic. Our office team is qualified, licensed, and experienced in administering many types of anesthetic. These services are offered in a safe setting with current monitoring technology and well-trained, experienced personnel. On behalf of the Board of Dental Examiners, the Surgical Care Team, office facilities, and doctors are examined on a regular basis.

You will be given drugs on the day of your treatment to help with post-operative discomfort and edema. We require that you be accompanied to the office by a parent or responsible adult who intends to stay with you for the whole of the day. The treatment will take 30 to 60 minutes, and you will most likely spend 90 minutes in the office. Patients can now have their wisdom teeth removed in a way that promotes speedy recovery and minimum post-operative discomfort because to recent breakthroughs in medicine and technology. At all times, cutting-edge sterilization and infection control procedures are employed.

It is critical that you have nothing to eat or drink for at least 6 hours before your procedure (except prescription drugs with a sip of water) (preferably longer). This does not imply that you should strive to have one "final supper" six hours before surgery. If you have anything in your stomach, you're more likely to have major anesthetic problems including nausea and vomiting. If you do not follow these instructions, your treatment will be rescheduled. At your consultation session, we may provide you a prescription for pain medicine, which you can fill ahead of time for your convenience. We will make every attempt to make you as comfortable as possible after you are seated in the operating room. We normally implant an IV in your left arm if you are going to be sedated. This is a short and nearly painless procedure that ensures your medication is delivered properly. After that, you'll be given local anesthetic to ensure your comfort and give you enough time to get home and rest. For the majority of the day, you will be sleepy.

If stitches are needed, they are normally the type that dissolve in 3 to 5 days and do not need to be removed. You can also notice that your gums are swollen and peeling away from your teeth. This is all part of the natural healing process and will pass in a few days.

You may need prescription pain medication once the local anesthetic wears off. To discover if non-narcotic anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen (Advil®) properly alleviate your discomfort, try them first. If not, start using your other prescription pain reliever. The local anesthetic may linger till the next day, however this should not be confused with a nerve injury. Starting with clear liquids like jello and broths, we recommend progressively increasing the amount of substance in your post-operative diet as your body allows.

On the day of surgery, we don't advocate eating dairy products like yogurt, ice cream, or milkshakes because the anesthetic and pain medicine may cause nausea and vomiting. If you are given antibiotics and use birth control pills, be aware that the birth control pills may become ineffective and take the necessary precautions.

What Does Wisdom Tooth Removal Cost And Is It Covered By Insurance?

A variety of things influence the cost of your therapy. These could include the difficulty of extracting your teeth and the optimum sort of anesthetic for you. Before providing an accurate cost, the surgeon will need to evaluate your x-rays, perform an assessment, and choose the appropriate anesthetic choice during your consultation visit. Each insurance company has its own policy about the scope of coverage for a particular medical treatment.

What If I Have Questions Before Surgery?

Your individual circumstance will be discussed in greater depth during your session. Any questions you may have are welcome to be asked. If you have any more questions following your consultation, please call our office at 702-851-6724 to talk with one of our patient care coordinators.


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